Sunday, January 10, 2010


Hello friends,

I've recently moved to Edmonton, and I've noticed that the sky here is fairly clear compared to Winnipeg. As such, I haven't really been taking many photos or videos of the sky here. I'm not really sure how to account for the difference.

When I say it's fairly clear, that doesn't mean that there is a complete lack of activity. Many days I see minimal levels of odd trails in the sky, odd clouds and all the usual suspects when it comes to atmospheric modification and weather experiments.

We've been working hard over the last year to document activity in the skies. There are some steps I think we should all continue to work upon.

1. Education
People need to ask questions and become more informed about geo-engineering and other various atmospheric projects that might be occurring. There have been many news media and other publications and documentaries that will help us inform others about this technology. Other techniques include handing out leaflets, spray painting on bridges, putting up posters, protesting.. etc.

2. Evidence
In addition to the plethora of video and photographic evidence that we've been documenting, we need to develop a methodology that will allow us to empirically prove that something is going on. Examples could include tracking air planes in the area and match it up to photographs, etc. See if we can quantify the number of odd occurrences that we observe. Other ideas include particulate testing of the air. These are only examples, and I really hope that we can develop a robust testing method that could be implemented by activists on an international level. Proof, in short..

3. Mobilization
These two steps must be followed by mobilization to oppose such experiments. Writing the local news paper, political officials, holding town hall meetings. I don't think we're quite at this point because most officials will just say "it's normal air traffic and contrails". However, as we suspect.. it's likely that there is much more to it than that.

I hope to continue to act on this issue. If anyone in Edmonton is interested in working on this project please let me know.

As for my Winnipeg contacts, I'll be in and out of the city regularly over the next few years and we plan to move back, so please stay in touch.

Take care all, great work!

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