Sunday, April 12, 2009

Welcome To Canadian Skywatch

Hello, my name is "academianon" and I am a student and junior scholar from Central Canada. For the last year, I have been documenting strange persisting "contrails" in my sky. We contend that these so-called condensation trails are actually better termed "chemtrails" because they are plumes of particulate matter used to geo-engineer the global climate. These trails are one of many forms of atmospheric modification that is being conducted on this planet as we speak.

This website will discuss new developments related to the skywatching from Central Canada, and we will network with the rest of Canada to promote awareness and ensure disclosure of all secret projects related to atmospheric modification and geo-engineering.

We please ask you to get involved.

Google the following terms:

- Eastlund Patent
- Welsbach Patent
- Geoengineering
- Climate dimming
- Impact of contrails on the global climate
- Geoengineering: Workshop on Unilateral Planetary Scale Geoengineering
- Owning the Weather in 2025
- Direct, Semi-direct and Indirect Aerosol Campaign

Do your research and don't just take anyone's word on it either way! ;)

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Winnipeg, CAN
