Hello friends!
I'm not sure who follows this, but as time passes I will be using this blog much more often to provide updates. It will also be a location for people to easily access information about the testing campaign to prove that chemtrails exist.
We're currently in the brainstorming phase to plan a global experiment regarding the chemtrail theory. We hope to empirically prove that chemtrails/geoengineering/tests exist and are currently in place. These covert military programs must and will be exposed.
Please watch my video where I ramble briefly about this:
Basically, in short. We're going to compile tests from as many locations as possible to show that heavy metal contamination is a widespread phenomenon. This, combined with our video and photographic evidence, will help to further develop the "chemtrail" movement. With more legitimate information we will be able to win over more people, and eventually there will be enough political will to expose and hopefully stop this program.
Good luck. Please network with me through my email (ragingacademic AT hotmail DOT com), you tube channel, etc. I've also set up a twitter account (academianon).
I need helpful folks from all over the world to get this set up. We're still planning so no rush, but hopefully we'll be able to get data on a global scale. That would be excellent.
Anyways, enough rambles! Take care everyone :)